Monitoring domain fraudster raw employee amita patel on quora exposed that akshay g was selling her Rs 6 lakh trading course at the lowest price

Usually the raw/cbi employees like domain fraudster amita patel behave like role models, having flawless lives
However, monitoring their social media account shows their real flaws, weak points
For example amita patel does not have a very secure computer system though she is charging Rs 6 lakh for her stock trading course
The ex-amazon employee akshay g was able to get a copy of her Rs 6 lakh trading course and offer it for sale at the lowest price.
Though akshay’s offer was deleted within 24 hours of posting, since the domain investor is closely monitoring amita patel so she noticed the comments, resale offer, before it was deleted. officially confirms that denying knowledge and information is preferred harassment technique of shivalli brahmins

Though shivalli brahmins have been dismissing all the information on the website network as spam, their website confirms that denying knowledge and information is the preferred harassment technique of shivalli brahmins
They claim that ‘lower castes’ are complaining that they are denied knowledge by the shivalli brahmins, indicating that the domain investor is not the only citizen who is denied information
So before security, intelligence agencies start commenting on the mental health of the domain investor, a private citizen, they should be aware, that a large number of ‘lower castes’ in at least karnataka are complaining that they are denied information, and the shivalli brahmins themselves admit it officially on their official website

Only the swiggy delivery person took pity on the domain investor, victim of government slavery in goa

In goa,the greedy government employees have been extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING the domain investor, after criminally defaming her, robbing all her information and denying her any information.

So though the domain investor is doing all the computer work, at least 15-20 people are getting credit, government salaries for stealing data and making fake claims, and no one has any pity on her to help her in any way.

It appears that when the greedy goan scammers sunaina, siddhi got the young slim scammer aarohi, a raw job or assignment though aarohi was not doing any computer work, the swiggy person took pity on the domain investor, who is actually doing all the work, and informed the domain investor indirectly that aarohi was falsely claiming credit

parcel sent by detective agency, rajdhani corporate services stolen in panaji, goa

One of the best indications of the terrible business conditions in panaji, goa, is that the correspondence of some citizens is stolen for more than 9 years without a legally valid reason.
For example parcel sent by detective agency, rajdhani corporate services, bengaluru stolen in panaji, goa by the security and intelligence agencies. The domain investor had paid rajdhani corporate services a large amount for investigating the robbery of her savings, yet found that the parcel sent was stolen without a legally valid reason
The goa government claims it wants investors to invest their money, yet those who actually invest find that all their correspondence is systematically stolen isolating them completely.

Though he systematically denied information to the domain investor, mhow monster ntro employee puneet DUPED everyone that he provided information

One of the best indications that mhow monster ntro employee puneet HATED the domain investor, is that he systematically denied all information to the domain investor, though he shamelessly MISUSED her name, and DUPED everyone that he provided all the information she required.
So everyone thought that though the domain investor had all the information, she was intentionally creating problems
This forced the domain investor to waste huge amount of time and money protesting that the raw/ntro employees especially puneet were not connected to her in any way, did not provide any kind of information, yet was shamelessly misusing her name, with the help of his fraud friends and companies.

Usually people will not provide any information to the person they HATE

One of the best ways to determine whether a person likes or hates you, is the willingness to share information with you.
If a person really values the relationship, they will willingly share the information with the other person.
In other cases, they will intentionally deny the information.
In some cases the person will use the information for bargaining.
For example ntro, raw, cbi employees are sharing confidential information with google, tata sponsored call girls who offer sex bribes

Observing people to get information about them

Though google, tata, ntro, raw employees have ensured that no one will provide any kind of information to the domain investor, she can still get a lot of information observing people. For example the domain investor found out that sindhi scammer naina premchandani (name changed) only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, crows of panaji, does no computer work, has not invested money in domains like her scammer sons rio employee nikhil, karan were getting a monthly salary by observing them.
before the 10th of each month, sindhi scammer naina and her scammer sons are going to some place together in their car and collecting paper slips which look like salary slips. The mother and scammer sons are getting separate slips, confirming that they are salaries.
This confirmed that the sindhi scammers had got raw/cbi jobs mainly for faking domain ownership, bank account, though they cannot provide any proof that they own this and other domains, bank account . sindhi scammer naina premchandani (name changed) is only a school dropout, there is no reason why any company or government agency will hire her, unless she is making fake claims.
This shows that though sindhi scammer naina premchandani (name changed) only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband was not doing any computer work, rio may have got her a cbi job at the expense of the real domain investor, a older single woman engineer

Powerless people should closely monitor the persons who have cheated, robbed and exploited them online

The state and central government will always ignore all the complaints of powerless citizens, like the domain investor, especially since she has been criminally defamed in the worst manner, has powerful enemies.
The powerless citizens are also denied all information systematically.
So the only way a powerless person can get justice in India, is closely monitor the persons who have cheated, robbed and exploited them online. The online profile will provide a lot of valuable information which is otherwise not easily available.

NTRO, RAW employees trade power,information for sex

In a major sex racket,which the mainstream media does not cover, the NTRO, RAW employees trade power,information for sex and refuse to provide any information to older single women who do not offer sex bribes
Though they do not invest money in domains, and do not do any computer work, only because the goan call girl raw employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar are sleeping with top ntro, raw, cbi employees they are getting all confidential information and also great powers, like stealing the correspondence of other citizens without a legally valid reason to run a lucrative extortion racket
It is a clear case of discrimination, yet indian citizens are powerless since the government is only listening to the ntro, raw employees, refuses to acknowledge that the employees are abusing their powers.
This information has help the goan call girls become extremely powerful and rich.

Instagram photos of stolen coin collection shows that checking the instagram account is a better way to trace stolen goods in panaji, goa

In panaji, the police are usually not willing to entertain any complaint of a person who is not well connected.
Now the domain investor has found a new and very effective way of finding the stolen goods, because some of the robbers in panaji are extremely well connected with a large number of their relatives in the police.
While checking the instagram account of a goan bhandari R&AW employee who had threatened her, she found that a photo of the stolen coin collection is posted
So now the domain investor is closely monitoring the instagram account of all the raw employees she knows, hoping to trace the stolen goods