Solving the mystery of disappearing karela creepers

Karela creeper has delicate yellow flowers
Though the domain investor does not eat karela, she likes to grow the plant since the creeper has nice beautiful shaped leaves and flowers
When she was in goa, she found that no plant was growing at all in the house which she used as the mailing address. A large number of seeds were sown and not a single plant was growing.
It now appears that someone was criminally trespassing the home when the domain investor was not there and removing the plants
In the metro city, the domain investor has grown a few plants in the small area available to solve the mystery of the missing karela plants. Some of the plants have grown very well, and now after a few weeks, the karela plant has delicate yellow flowers
Whether a karela will be formed or not, it at least solves the mystery of the disappearing karela creepers